My Transformation Journey


After college, I was utterly lost. I moved back home and was working a full-time job in the daytime and attending grad school in the evenings (four nights a week). To say I drowned my stress in food would be an understatement. I'm sure this sounds familiar to many of you. I had no time to exercise and consumed nothing but my grandmother's Italian cooking, delicious but the furthest things from healthy! I tried Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, Cardiac, Flat Belly, and a few other diets like they were going out of style! I'd lose about 10 pounds on each, hit a plateau, become frustrated, quit, and ultimately gain back the weight I'd worked so hard to lose PLUS a few extra pounds! I deactivated my Facebook account and avoided all social gatherings because I was SO embarrassed of myself. I hadn't had any children, so what was my excuse?!

heavy bride.jpg

My boyfriend (and now husband) stuck with me through this awful time in my life. What triggered my final weight loss was his proposal. I was 194 pounds when I first went to try on wedding dresses. I could barely fit into the sample dresses at the bridal store (which are larger sizes to begin with); it was absolutely mortifying. 

I was determined to lose weight and insisted on ordering a dress two sizes smaller than what the bridal store recommended. They actually made me sign a contract saying that I wouldn't sue them if the dress didn't fit at the time of my wedding. I was determined as hell, signed that paper, and never looked back! 

{Do you see that it wouldn't even tie in the back?!} >>>

I spent 11 months exercising portion control, attending spinning classes 5 days a week, and practicing yoga. I didn't cut out any food groups, as I knew from previous experience that limiting foods was unsuccessful, resulting in increased cravings. I lost 47 pounds and was down to 147 pounds on my wedding day! My dress, which I signed my life away for, was actually too big! 

As with all newly married couples, we gained a little "happy weight" after the wedding. Again, good 'ole fashioned portion control and exercise helped me stay in check. We started to attend hot yoga classes at Yoga Flow, which changed our lives! What began as exercise became SO much more. Through these classes, we learned what health, life, patience, and joy were truly about. 

Through my yoga practice, I became interested in health and wellness and learned the best way to stay fit was to eat whole foods. I learned that all calories are not created equally. 

I decided to limit meat consumption to two times per week and had remarkable results! I began using coconut oil exclusively, making superfood shakes each morning, juicing religiously, and eating organic as much as possible. I read articles on green living every night and became amazed at my body AND mind transformations. 

A friend of mine became a Beachbody coach and was advertising Shakeology and a new challenge group on Facebook. I was originally a skeptic of Shakeology, believing that a pre-packaged shake couldn't compare to my organic, homemade concoctions. But I decided to give it a try and became hooked! {Read more about this decision on my Shakeology page.}

After 9 months of drinking it religiously, I have increased energy levels and improved digestion (something I've struggled with my entire life). 

I am FINALLY at the point where I feel comfortable sharing this journey with others. I used to pretend as though that time in my life never happened, but now I know that it happened for a reason. If I can lose 50+ pounds, so can you! I LOVE to eat and HATE to exercise! But I've developed successful habits to help me stay healthy and I am ready to share my success strategies with others. 

Message me if you'd like to join me in a private group with free support and accountability. 

Thanks for stopping by,
