Rainy Monday Mornings Don't Suck

Rainy Monday mornings don't suck when this is your work attire! 😂 Around this "office," we wear whatever the F we want! 💁🏻 And we bring our own sunshine! ☀️✌🏼

I’m feeling super reflective and grateful today as I realize how many life goals I’ve accomplished by saying YES to this lifestyle coaching gig:

-retire from my teaching job to be my own boss and be at home with my baby girl - ✔️

-hire landscapers so I have more time with my hubby on the weekends - ✔️

-hire a maid service (because ladies, I’ll be honest, I’m the WORST at domestic shiz) -> maids are coming today, so I consider that a ✔️

-take my family on trips around the world - ✔️

-have a true impact on other lives - ✔️

I talk to ladies EVERY DAY who WANT to do this, but are too afraid of change, failure, criticism, and hard work. They let fear hold them back from doing something that could change their family’s entire future. 😥

But here’s the deal, I know how it feels to dread Mondays and dream of Fridays. To feel undervalued. To just go through the motions. To live paycheck to paycheck.

And I’ve learned that you can either live the rest of your working years building someone else’s dream and watching the clock, waiting for that workday to end, waiting for that next paid vacation day… OR you can build your OWN dream, have your days fly by, and work when you want, where you want, and with whom you want.

When I look at my daughter, I am filled with gratitude for with the opportunity to be at home with her AND earn an income by bettering myself AND empowering other women.

There is no amount of fear that would hold me back from this opportunity! It’s a dream job. So I just CAN'T understand why more gals don’t say YES to this! 🤔

Maybe I haven’t done a good enough job of explaining it or letting enough women know that they CAN do this too. ❤️

So I’m sharing the details of what this coaching gig entails and who I am looking to take under my wing as a mentee in a private group starting today!

I’m specifically looking for women who want to be at home with their babes, but need a career outside of diapers and ABCs. Ones who want to travel more, but don’t have the time or money. Moms who would die to wear yoga pants every day and get fancy every few months for quarterly events. Women who didn’t come from a lot, but are determined to have everything. ✨

If that’s you, please join my info group to learn more! JOIN HERE >>> http://bit.ly/Aug7SnkPk

I can’t wait to share the details with you because I WISH someone would’ve told me about this career sooner.

{And in case you didn’t pick up what I was putting down, nothing worth having comes easy. Each coach’s income is a direct reflection of the impact she makes and effort she puts forth. My success came from hard word and relentless passion.}