Today’s Yoga practice was the complete opposite of zen!

The footage was basically 30 minutes of bloopers. 😂

Besides that cute little hug, Little Miss London head butted me, sat on my head, kicked me in the face, tried to knock me over…you know, typical toddler behavior. 🙈

But I didn’t let that bring me down.

I was super excited to see Yoga on my workout calendar today and decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather. So even though she didn’t create the most relaxing vibe, I still enjoyed it. 😉

I’m a perfectionist in most areas of life, but NOT when it comes to fitness. If I waited for the “perfect” time, place, and motivation, I’d NEVER work out! Exercise is the one area where I truly believe that progress is better than perfection.

London still naps in my arms, so it’s not like I can get a workout in while she’s asleep. And when my hubby is home at night, I want to spend time with him, not pawn her off on him so I can go workout. So that’s why my workouts are less than perfect. But each day I press play and move a little closer toward my goal of being a healthy, strong-a$$ mom! 💪🏼

Drop your favorite emoji below if you AGREE that perfection is overrated and progress is where it’s at! 💃🏻👇🏼

{{P.S. I’m working reaaallly hard on responding to everyone who wants to join my next virtual fit club! Look for an email from me soon! And if you are interested in making progress with us, complete this application and I’ll contact you too --- }}