You Wouldn't Plant Seeds Today and Expect Flowers Tomorrow


We want things at the speed of light but we have to understand that some things work at the speed of a seed in the ground. ⁣⁣


Can you imagine telling a farmer that he could plant seeds today and harvest tomorrow?⁣

⁣Just as there are no shortcuts in farming, there are no shortcuts in business success. ⁣

⁣I’m no farmer (I have quite the green thumb actually 😳), but the Law of the Harvest has been the foundation of my business since the beginning. 🌱 ⁣

⁣When you start something new, it’s very much like farming. You have to clear the land, prep the soil, plant your seeds, then water and wait and water and wait, before you can reap your harvest. ⁣

⁣Same goes for business. You don’t start something today and make millions tomorrow. ⁣

⁣But too often I see women give up on their dreams because of the time it takes. They want microwave results when they need a slow cooker mentality. They start a new venture with excitement and hope, only to quit a few months later because they aren’t as far along as they expected they’d be. ⁣

And they usually give up right before their harvest. They become too impatient in the “watering and waiting” phase and leave just before their “crops” are ready to be enjoyed. ⁣

If you’re thinking of starting something new or maybe you’re in the midst of creating an online business, keep going. Identify where you are in the “agricultural cycle” of your business and remember that in order to succeed, you need:⁣

  • The patience of a planter⁣ 🌱

  • The foresight of the farmer⁣ 🌱

  • The mindset of the sower. ⁣🌱

Save this post if you’ll need this reminder 💚⁣ and click the button below to learn more skills to help you grow bigger!


And if you do have a green thumb, what flowers do you recommend for my yard and for the flower boxes on my kids’ playhouses? (We live in Pennsylvania and have more cloudy days than sunny days)