
Most of our limiting beliefs come from our childhood experiences & seemingly innocent things our parents, teachers, or coaches told us. ⁣⁣

But these simple statements actually did more harm than good on our self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. ⁣

Here are some examples:⁣

“Money doesn’t grow on trees.” ⁣

↪️ I'll never be rich.

⁣“Children should be seen and not heard.” ⁣

↪️ I need to be quiet if I want to be loved.

“Eat everything on your plate. There are children out there starving.” ⁣

↪️ I should eat everything even if I'm not hungry.

“Act like a lady.” ⁣

↪️ It's not okay to act playful.

“Boys don’t cry.”⁣

↪️ It's not okay to share my feelings or sadness.

“No one wants your opinion.”⁣

↪️ I need to stay quiet, my ideas and thoughts don't matter.

Sound familiar? ⁣

⁣So here's how to change that:

  1. ⁣Identify your limiting beliefs (what are you telling yourself?)⁣

  2. Analyze how they impact you⁣

  3. Choose how you’d rather be, act, or feel⁣

  4. Create a turnaround statement and use it as an affirmation⁣

Examples: ⁣

“I’m a terrible mother and yell too much.”⁣

Turnaround ↪️: I am a loving mother who is patient and easygoing.⁣

“I’m not interesting enough to make money online or grow a following.”⁣

Turnaround ↪️: I am witty and funny, people love following me. ⁣

“No one wants to join my team, I’m not good at this.”⁣

Turnaround ↪️: I am a charismatic leader and attract my ideal team members.⁣

Then REPEAT those affirmations daily. ⁣

The subtle force of repetition overcomes our reason. It penetrates the depths of our subconscious minds and makes us believe whatever it is we are telling ourselves. ⁣⁣

And remember, our thoughts become our realities. ⁣

⁣What’s something you were told as a child that now haunts you now? Let me know in the comments below!👇❤️