Recognized By The CEO Of Beachbody!

Wowza! Completely honored to be recognized by the CEO for helping my clients and coaches reach their goals. ❤

I'm all about raising the bar, setting big scary goals, and going for them! And there's nothing more rewarding than seeing those I help reach THEIR big scary goals! 🙌🏼

Sometimes all they need is someone believing in them, telling them they CAN in fact do whatever it is they want to do...whether it's losing 70 lbs, 10 lbs, completing 5 workouts a week, or earning enough as a coach to pay for a family vacation or quit their full-time job.

Waking up to those celebratory messages EVERY day is WHY I do what I do. ❤ #dreamjob

And as far as goals go:

🔹I write down my goals and recite them aloud EVERY single morning because I want them to be at the forefront of my mind all day. My daily actions and decisions are driven by where I want to go (not what I "feel" like doing in that moment).

🔹I have my clients set weekly and monthly goals in our virtual fit clubs so we know exactly what they are working for at any given time.

🔹I have my coaches declare their business goals monthly in our team page and they revisit them frequently.

So yeah, my life pretty much revolves around GOALS! ✅

If you need help changing something in your life, you know where to find me! 😉

Thanks for the shout-out, Carl!