If you're happy and you know it, tell your friends! 😁😁😁

☝🏼 Saw that on a billboard driving home this morning and LOVED it!

It's been a whirlwind of a week- speaking at events, getting professional photos taken, seeing my family, friends, and my team! ❤️

Buuut I'm SUPER excited to be back at home and back to my routine. I may seem outgoing, but the reality is that I like to be alone (with my hubby and baby of course), in quiet, in my sweats! I'm very much a homebody! 🏡

As I was speaking on stage this weekend, I realized that I'm NOT doing a good enough job of sharing this lifestyle coaching gig with other women. That I could be helping SO many more gals do what I've done. That it's my DUTY to pay this forward.

So I'm opening my virtual doors and sharing the details of what I do and who I'm looking to take under my wing as mentees.

If you:

⭐️Want to be at home with your baby more than anything, but also want a career and passion of your own outside of motherhood...

⭐️Wish you could travel more…

⭐️Want to lose weight, or tone up, or both...

⭐️Are drowning in student loan debt or credit card debt and looking for a way to ENJOY life, not just kill yourself in the daily grind JUST to make ends meet…

⭐️Would like to be an “Internet personality” as my husband calls it…😂

⭐️Like dressing up, but would rather spend your days in yoga pants and save the dressy clothes for events YOU want to dress up for - NOT the daily workplace dress code…

⭐️Are a natural-born LEADER and hard worker who always likes to be the best when presented with an opportunity or challenge…

⭐️Willing to make short-term sacrifices in order to enjoy the long-term rewards (ex. skip the Netflix bingefests, wake up earlier, go to bed later)….

Then YOU are MY GAL and I want to mentor you! 👭

This gig has changed EVERY aspect of my life and I’ll be sharing the details in a 3 day info group!

Please join here if you are interested in learning more and changing your WHOLE DANG LIFE! >>> http://bit.ly/Aug14SnkPk