What Are These Virtual Fit Clubs? 🤔

Wondering what these virtual fit clubs are that I'm always running?! 🤔

If you're curious, join me TOMORROW for a little sneak peek into EXACTLY what happens in these magical groups! 👀✨

I'll be:
▪️ doing a live DEMO of my ‘Netflix’ of workouts app
▪️ telling you EXACTLY how the meal plan works and explaining how I adjust it for breastfeeding mamas (myself included!)
▪️ sharing ALL the details on the superfoods London & I have each day
▪️ explaining exactly what I did to lose 70+ lbs and the workout PLAN I recommend to my clients
▪️ sharing how we create a magical COMMUNITY of women supporting each other 👯

So if you've ever wondered HOW my groups work, WHAT you get when you join, and the exact COST to participate, then join me tomorrow for ALL the details!

Comment below 👇🏼 and I'll message you the info to get added to our group! Can't wait to see you there! 🙌🏼

(And no, there's no specific time you have to show up! I'll be doing live videos in the group all day and you can check them out anytime!)

** This group is for those who are not actively working with another coach **