2 Steps To Build CONFIDENCE


Are you someone who thinks, “I 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩 I had the confidence to ____” or “I 𝘸𝘪𝘴𝘩 I had her confidence” as you scroll? ⁣

If so, here’s my assignment for you: ⁣

  1. Visualize your highest self. Who are you at your BEST? What is your ideal life like in the future as your highest self? How are you mentally? Physically? Financially? What are your relationships like? What have you accomplished? What kind of home do you have? What kind of attitude do you have?⁣

  2. Now show up as HER each day.

When you’re stressed and feeling anxious, ask yourself: “How would my future calm, cool, & relaxed best self respond to this situation?” ⁣

When you’re afraid to hit publish on that post, ask yourself, “What would my successful future self do?” ⁣

When you want to ask for that raise or speak up in a meeting but you’re trembling inside, ask yourself, “What would my future b@dass self do?” ⁣

When you’re afraid to go on your stories and talk to the camera, ask yourself, “What would my future leader/6-figure earning self do?”⁣

Then do & act that way instead of retreating and stressing in your lower state.⁣

Here’s the 🔑: confidence comes from competence⁣

The more you do something, the better you become. The better you become, the more confident you become. See how that works? ⁣⁣

So that means you have to start. ⁣

And I know that sounds scary. And right now, you’re probably gonna have to fake it till you make it. ⁣⁣

But the truth is: confidence in adulthood is a choice.

That means you have to visualize your highest, most confident self and 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦 to ACT as she would act now...⁣

The more you show up as her ↩️⁣

The more natural it will feel ↩️⁣

And the more confident you’ll become. ⁣

⁣So get out there ladies, I’m rooting for you 🙌🏼⁣

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