Episode 25: 5 Tips for Having Confidence on Camera, Getting Out of Your Head, and Selling Your Offers


Scared to talk in your IG stories? Constantly picking yourself and your videos apart? Wondering why your videos aren’t converting? Learn 5 tips for gaining confidence when speaking and selling in this episode of The Ashly Locklin Show. 

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this episode: 

  • What to focus on when speaking

  • How to change your physical state and mood

  • Why speaking from the heart is better than speaking from the mind

  • The one thing you need to stop doing to see success

  • What to be attached to when selling

Links Mentioned:

Business Breakthrough Accelerator: https://www.ashlylocklin.com/business-breakthrough-accelerator

Find me on social:
Instagram: @ashly_locklin instagram.com/ashly_locklin
Facebook: facebook.com/ashlylocklinwellness
Pinterest: pinterest.com/ashlylocklin


Are you terrified to talk on your IG stories? Scared to talk to people in general? Afraid to pitch your offers? Wondering why they aren’t converting? This episode breaks down 5 tips for being confident on camera, getting out of your head, and selling your offers! 

1) Silence your inner critic

When you sit down to do your video, do you hear a voice saying?

“You look awful”

“Sit up straighter”

“Smile more” 

“Smile less”

“You should’ve done something with your hair”

You’re so focused on yourself and what people are seeing.

I notice this in real-life conversations all the time, where someone zones out for a second then shifts their body language and comes back. It’s so apparent. 

That internal dialogue is distracting you. Those thoughts prevent you from fully showing up and being your most impactful self because instead of focusing on delivering your tip, lesson, story, whatever it may be and impacting your viewer, you’re focusing on yourself. 

And others can tell.

Get over yourself and thinking you are the focus. Instead make your audience the focus and focus on serving them instead of listening to that inner critic. 

We all have one. You just have to practice ignoring it. 

2) Get into the right state before you get on video

You attract the vibe you put out there.

If you’re constantly being fake on camera or acting an anxious mess, you’re going to attract clients that are NOT aligned with who you really are and who you want to serve.

On the outside, you show up like “Hey everyone, today I’m going to tell you about {insert your amazing tip}!

But on the inside, you’re a hot freaking mess. 

You’re thinking: “I really need to make a damn sale. Bills are due. I’m falling flat. No one is biting. Maybe I should dress nicer for this video so people think I’m more legit…”

People can tell! 

So work on your energy, beliefs, and vibe before you get on camera. 

Remember, the energy you approach a situation with matters.

For example, if you expect your husband to come home in a bad mood, the energy you have when he opens the door is different than the energy you’d have if you expected him to come home in a great mood.

If you show up to a video and expect it to be awful, if you expect people to make fun of you. You’re bringing a negative energy that others can sense. 

Be intentional about the energy you are bringing. 

You can change your physical state to change your mood and energy. 

If you’re lacking confidence, stand or sit up taller. 

If you’re unhappy, force yourself to smile. 

These physical actions send a signal to the mind to be confident and happier. 

If you shift your physical state - you shift how you feel - which shifts your behavior - and shifts your results

You can consciously shift your physiology to shift your mood at any time.

Dance, sing, eat something, do what you gotta do!

3) Speak from the heart, not the mind

Be heart-centered.

If you use your mind to overcompensate for the things you are self-conscious of, your mind becomes the director and your mouth is the actor. It’s like two different people are there. 

The director (your mind) is saying:

Okay, now say this. 

Stop looking to the left.

Okay, you suck, restart. 

And once again, people can tell. 

Instead, show up with your heart and speak from your heart, not your mind. 

Moreover, we are emotional beings. As much as we’d like to think we are rational, we aren’t. We process things through our emotions first. And after something resonates with us on that emotional level, then we activate the rational part of our brain. 

So speak from the heart.

Ask how can I speak from the deepest part of my heart today? How can I truly serve and help others?

How can I be REAL so they connect with me?

And yes, you want to make sales and make money, but do so from the place of: “I have unwavering belief in my product and I know someone out there needs it. I KNOW this can help someone so today I’m going to speak my truth, speak from the heart, and help that person out there.” 

*AD: This episode is brought to you by Business Breakthrough Accelerator, the course that helps you build, accelerate, and scale your business. It covers everything from mindset, to branding, to niching, to client attraction, to high-converting content, to selling, to automating so that you can have a breakthrough and achieve the results you want without trading hours for dollars. Check it out here: ashlylocklin.com/business-breakthrough-accelerator

4) Stop trying to be perfect

It’s okay if you have several takes before nailing it. Consider those takes warm-ups though. Just like you warm up before a workout, it’s okay to warm up through a few takes on video. 

But don’t chase perfection. 

You want your audience to see you for who you really are. And always showing up to deliver perfection is robbing them of a genuine connection with you. 

The more real you can be, the more trust you will gain. 

The number one message I get is: I love how real you are. Because I always show the real life chaos behind the perfectly curated IG feed and people connect with that. 

When you see someone who is perfect, you almost become resentful of them. It’s unattainable. 

And forcing perfection inhibits your creativity & spontaneity. 

You psych yourself out and the pressure to be perfect or just as good as last time makes you less consistent, less likely to keep showing up. 

Show your quirks. 

Don’t edit out your word fumbles.

Don’t try to be like anyone else you watch.

What is your unique vibe?

People will like you and connect with you a thousand times more when you are showing up as your true self. 

So if you are awkward, embrace that awkwardness. 

My friend Megan, her entire brand is the the pretty awkward entrepreneur. Instead of using her awkwardness as an excuse, she turned it into a 7-figure brand and community. 

If you are “too much”, be “too much”- be loud, be bright, be bold. 

Be you.

But most importantly be in alignment with who you are deep inside and who you want to serve. And align that energy accordingly. 

So don’t show up in a fake way. 

We have internal filters in our subconscious mind and they impact how we perceive the world around us. 

For example, if someone compliments your hair, but you have negative internal beliefs about yourself and your appearance, you might perceive that compliment as them making fun of you. When in reality, it was a genuine compliment. 

So your negative internal beliefs may be holding you back from reaching your true potential or being your true self on camera. 

But know that you can work on your internal filters. Be aware of them. 

Perception is projection - whatever you already believe to be true is what you’re going to see in the world. And this shapes how you show up. 

Be yourself and don’t chase perfection. 

5) Don’t be so attached to the conversion, be attached to the intention of serving. 

The more you focus on making a sale, the less valuable your content is going to be.

When you want to make a sale, there’s a difference in the two ways you can show up:

Way 1: Thinking - What’s the number one tip I can share today or what does my ideal client need to hear today? How can I provide value and then pitch my offer to show how it can help her even more?


Way 2: Thinking - Shit! I need to make sales so I’m going to talk about my offer. 

If you’re worried about your followers and you’re overthinking everything you do and say because you don’t want to lose any more and you want to gain more, that’s just going to make every story you do fall flat. 

Have the intention of being yourself, of being real, you want people to like you for who you are. 

Have the intention of serving your audience - whether that is teaching them something or making them realize they aren’t alone (for example, when I show the reality of motherhood).

The conversions will happen when your audience truly knows, likes, and trusts you. When you have served them and inspired them.

And that doesn’t happen by focusing on the conversion, it happens by focusing on serving. 

So to recap:

  1. Silence your inner critic

  2. Get into the right state before you get on video

  3. Speak from the heart, not the mind

  4. Don’t chase perfection

  5. Don’t be so attached to the conversion, be attached to the intention of serving. 

Thank you for tuning in! Please take a screenshot and tag me @ashly_locklin, tell me what you thought of the episode and if this helped you!

And most importantly, get out there and make those money moves!


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