Episode 14: 5 Phrases & 5 Words to Use in Your Content to Increase Sales


Wondering what you could say to get fence sitters to enter their credit card number? Dying to know what phrases and words lead to sales? Learn the best phrases and words to use in your content to make sales in today’s episode of The Ashly Locklin Show. 

Check out The Social Sales Content Bundle here: ashlylocklin.com/the-social-sales-content-bundle

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this episode: 

  • 5 phrases to incorporate into your content to make more sales

  • How Loss Aversion Theory works in sales

  • 5 words to use when selling

  • How to craft content that speaks to your ideal client

Show Notes: 

5 Phrases & 5 Words to Use in Your Content to Increase Sales

You can use these phrases & words in your social media content, email marketing, sales pages, and when pitching on webinars. 

5 Phrases to Use To Increase Sales:

  1. There are 2 types of people...

  2. If you don't want ____ then _____.  If you want____ then ____ 

  3. _____ shouldn't be so ______

  4. I know what it's like to ___

  5. Imagine…

Let’s look at each one:

1. There are 2 types of people...

For this one, you want to describe people with ideal characteristics and people with non-ideal characteristics and then ask your audience which one best describes them. 


There are two types of people…

The first has big dreams and goals, but lets their excuses and fears get in the way. So they don’t take action and stay where they are.

The second has big dreams and goals, but they overcome their excuses and fears. They do whatever it takes to make their dreams a reality.

Which one are you?

But remember, you have the power to choose in every moment. Do you want to be the first type of person or the second type?

This forces your audience to evaluate who they are, what they want, and what they are saying no to. It makes them decide they want to be the better type of person and motivates them to take action. 

2. If you don't want ____ then _____.  


  • If you don’t want to spend hours in the DMs, then you need the social sales content bundle.

  • If you don’t want to cut carbs, then you wanna snag my intuitive eating guide.

  • If you don’t want your house on the market for more than a month, then you'll want my home selling guide.

This hits the pain point directly and uses Loss Aversion Theory - which shows that we are more motivated to take action in order to avoid loss and pain than we are motivated to take action in order to gain or experience pleasure. 

You could use the more positive spin on this phrase: If you want____ then ____ 

But when you focus on the pain they are experience (If you don’t want {insert pain}), your ideal client will be more interested in the solution you are providing. 

3. _____ shouldn't be so ______


  • Selling shouldn't be so painful.

  • Losing weight shouldn't be so complicated.

  • Selling your home shouldn't be so stressful.

After using this phrase, go into the solution you provide.

4. I know what it's like to ___


  • I know what it’s like to spend hours in the DMs engaging with people only for them to tell me no thanks or buy from someone else.

  • I know what it’s like to cut carbs, spend hours working out, and skip family parties just to lose weight.

  • I know what it’s like to wake up with an elephant on my chest each day, wondering if my house would ever sell and we would be able to move.

When you empathize with your ideal client, they see you as someone who understands their struggle. When you share that you were in their shoes, were once where they are, but you’ve overcome it, you found a solution, you position yourself as a credible authority. Your ideal client now has a deeper connection with you, will like you more, and will trust you. Your ideal client knows you understand her pain and have the solution she seeks and that you can be her guide to the other side. 

5. Imagine...


  • Imagine waking up to notifications that people bought while you were sleeping

  • Imagine opening your DMs to find messages from your ideal clients saying "Oh my gosh, your post totally spoke to me...it's like you're in my head. How do I hire you?"

  • Imagine walking into your closet and being able to wear anything you see without worrying about how tight or uncomfortable it will be

  • Imagine going to a party and not stressing over what you're going to do to distract yourself from the food table because you've finally found that food freedom

  • Imagine showing up to your closing, signing the paperwork, and walking away feeling like that elephant finally got off your chest

  • Imagine packing your boxes and saying bye to the house you've outgrown and walking into your new dream home, setting your keys down, and breathing a sigh of relief because it's all yours now

This phrase uses the power of visualization and helps your ideal client see and feel their ideal situation/ outcome. Paint the picture of what life will be like when they use your solution. 

5 Words to Use When Selling: 

  1. Avoid 

  2. Because

  3. Save

  4. Simple

  5. Best

Let’s look at each one:

1. Avoid


  • avoid the awkward invites and messages to random people on the internet

  • avoid stressing over your DMs because you know they're going to be filled with NOs

  • avoid cutting carbs and starving yourself just to lose weight

  • avoid losing your dream house because your current house won't sell

This goes back to Loss Aversion Theory, where we are more motivated to take action in order to avoid pain or loss than we are motivated to take action to gain or experience pleasure. 

2. Because

Social psychologist Ellen Langer conducted a study where an experimenter asked to cut in front of people who were waiting to use the copy machine.

The experimenter said: 

Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox machine?

>> 60% of the people let the experimenter jump the line <<

Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox machine, because I have to make copies?

>> 93% of the people let the experimenter jump the line <<

Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox machine, because I’m in a rush?

>> 94% of the people let the experimenter jump the line <<

The word “because” was the differentiator. 

Langer concluded, “If a reason was presented to the subject, he or she was more likely to comply than if no reason was presented, even if the reason conveyed no information.

3. Save


Save money

Save time

Save stress

We all want to “save.” Find what is most appealing to your ideal client and include that phrase. 

4. Simple


Simple, easy to use formulas that will transform your content

Simple strategy for losing weight, no complicated tracking

Simple staging tips to make your house sell fast

In today’s world, we are always seeking things that are simple and easy to use. By highlighting how your offer will lead to desired outcomes without a long, convoluted process, your prospect will be more inclined to buy. Simple is sexy. 

5. Best


Which ones are more appealing: 

  • the best strategy for making sales through content alone vs a strategy for making sales through content alone

  • the best way to lose weight without cutting carbs vs a way to lose weight without cutting carbs

  • the best way to sell your house fast vs a way to sell your house fast

We always want the “best” option, so make sure you are marketing and delivering the best offer!

If you need help crafting irresistible and high-converting content, The Social Sales Content Bundle can transform your content creation and selling game! 

The bundle includes: 

  • 9 proven caption formulas and worksheets

  • Over a hundred headlines

  • Over a hundred CTAs

  • Video trainings on content pillars and market research

  • Plus Canva templates and 60 Reels prompts & song suggestions

...all designed to help you make SALES through your content alone!

Snag the bundle here: https://www.ashlylocklin.com/the-social-sales-content-bundle


5 Phrases to Use To Increase Sales:

  1. There are 2 types of people...

  2. If you don't want ____ then _____.  If you want____ then ____ 

  3. _____ shouldn't be so ______

  4. I know what it's like to ___

  5. Imagine…

5 Words to Use When Selling: 

  1. Avoid 

  2. Because

  3. Save

  4. Simple

  5. Best

Now go make those money moves!

Tag me on IG @ashly_locklin and tell me what you thought of the episode! Be sure to hit Subscribe so you’re notified when the next episode drops!


The social sales content bundle

Everything you need to create content that converts followers into paying clients and randos into lifers! Proven caption formulas to grow your following and make sales, 125 Headlines, 105 CTAs, interactive content calendar, 6 exclusive video trainings to help you nail your niche & make more sales, and so much more! A must-have for all female entrepreneurs!