Ultimate Reset: Day 19

Day 19!!! 

Almost done with the Ultimate Reset! Cannot wait! 

I did a cardio workout today (even though they don't recommend exercising on the Reset), but it was a one-day sneak peek of a new dance program coming out and I HAD to try it! It was super fun and I'll for sure be doing all the routines when they are released! It's called YOUv2 (You - version 2)! It's kinda like Richard Simmons meets the game Just Dance! Lol!

So I'll be honest and share that I could not force tonight's dinner down my throat. I was just SO over it and it was literally gagging me, so I ate an apple and peanut butter instead. 

Peanut butter isn't even allowed at all, but whatever! I have to keep my protein and healthy fats up for my milk supply, so I went with it! 

I'm feeling great, but definitely ready for some meat and fish! 

Here's today's menu:
First thing: 24 oz water with Mineralize, Optimize, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Breakfast - Fresh fruit plate (3 cups of fruit!) and almonds
{{I didn't want oatmeal, but felt like I needed a little something more just to keep my supply going strong, so I added in raw almonds.}}


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Lunch - Microgreen Salad & Sweet Potato {with coconut oil and cinnamon}


2 hours later: Power Greens powder with water

30 minutes later: Snack - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology + peanut butter + banana


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, Soothe, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Dinner - Baked Tempeh, Beets, Coconut Collard Greens
{But really: an apple with peanut butter!}

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