Ultimate Reset: Day 18

Day 18!

Only 3 more days to go! WOHOOOO!!!! I can't believe I'm almost finished! As much as I complained over the past few weeks, they really flew by...and it wasn't all that bad! 

I'm down 9 lbs (my goal was 5)!!!
Sean's down 13!!!

I haven't been hungry at all, it's just that the food is not very appetizing. No joke, I literally dreaded dinner all day today! Haha! 

But I'm definitely not going to binge eat bad foods when I'm finished. I'm feeling WAY too good to do that. I'm just going to have better tasting foods! 

Here's what I had today:
First thing: 24 oz water with Mineralize, Optimize, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Breakfast - Fresh fruit plate (3 cups of fruit!) and oatmeal
{{Oatmeal is NOT part of the week 3 meal plan, BUT London has teeth coming in and wants to nurse ALL day. So I added a 1/2 cup oatmeal with a sprinkle of ground flax seed, a drizzle of pure maple syrup, and cinnamon just to make sure my supply and energy stayed strong!  It did! My boobs were leaking as I was walking around Target today. Oops.}}


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Lunch - Microgreen Salad & Sweet Potato


2 hours later: Power Greens powder with water
30 minutes later: Snack - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology + peanut butter + banana


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, Soothe, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Dinner - Roasted Fennel, Asparagus, Broccoli
{See why I was dreading it all day!}


Okay, I'm off to bed because I'm literally falling asleep while writing this! 
Maybe I'll dream of a delicious food tonight and that will make up for tonight's dinner! 

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