Ultimate Reset: Days 20 & 21

We DID it!!! 

Here's a recap of our last two days! I'm going to write another post with a complete overview of the Reset, so stay tuned for that! 

As I write this, I'm down 10 lbs and Sean's down 15! Tomorrow morning we'll take our after pictures and weight! I'm excited to see our transformations...we sure earned them! 

Day 20:
First thing: 24 oz water with Mineralize, Optimize, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Breakfast - Fresh fruit plate (3 cups of fruit!) & London's breakfast (which made me so jealous!) 


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Lunch - Microgreen Salad & Sweet Potato {with coconut oil and cinnamon}


2 hours later: Power Greens powder with water

30 minutes later: Snack - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology + peanut butter + banana

2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, Soothe, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Dinner - Asian Stir Fry Veggies and Braised Greens


Day 21: Our LAST Day!

First thing: 24 oz water with Mineralize, Optimize, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Breakfast - Fresh fruit plate (3 cups of fruit!)


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Lunch - Microgreen Salad & Sweet Potato {with coconut oil and cinnamon}


2 hours later: Power Greens powder with water

30 minutes later: Snack - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology + peanut butter + banana


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, Soothe, and Revitalize supplements
30 minutes later: Dinner - Cucumber Avocado Soup and Roasted Veggies
{{The soup was awful! It had zero flavor and I literally gagged trying to get it down! The roasted veggies were delish though!}}


Thank you so much for following this journey! I'll be back with a final update and recap, stay tuned!

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