Ultimate Reset: Day 5

Day 5: I got this! 

You guys, thank you so much for following my journey and sending me kind, encouraging words! It really means a lot and keeps me motivated! I won't let you down! 

Today was SO much better! I actually felt energized and happy! My milk supply is still going strong so my modifications are working! I'm definitely eating more than the Reset calls for, but feeding my baby girl is my #1 priority, so I'm fine with adding in extra food! 

I did a yoga workout this morning, thanks to Beachbody On Demand, then went for a 3 mile walk with the hubby, baby, and dogs in the evening! 

What I ate today: 

First thing: 24 oz water with Mineralize and Optimize supplements

30 minutes later: Breakfast
The meal plan called for Farina cereal with apple and walnuts. I didn't want to buy that cereal for one day, so I just made oatmeal with blueberries and a drizzle of pure maple syrup again. I added a small bowl of fresh fruit even though it wasn't called for, because again, I want to keep my milk supply strong! 


2 hours later: Mineralize and Optimize supplements
30 minutes later: Lunch - Quinoa Salad with Hummus & Veggies
{{Thoughts: SO good! I was full and happy afterwards.}}


2 hours later: Power Greens powder with water

30 minutes later: Snack - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology + banana + peanut butter
AHHHH! Behold the best part of my day!


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, Soothe supplements
30 minutes later: Dinner - Veggie stir fry with brown rice, and miso soup
{{Thoughts: the meal plan called for 1/2 c rice, but I had a whole cup because I needed the extra food and calories }}


Supplement Info

Today I want to share some info on the Optimize capsules I take 3x a day! 

Here's the description from the Ultimate Reset:

Enzymes initiate millions of reactions within the body each moment. They are responsible for nearly every bodily function, including vision, growth, and respiration, as well as the storage and release of energy. Without enzymes, life simply can't exist.

As we age, our enzyme levels and activity can decrease. Couple this with poor diet, stress, or other environmental factors, and we can find ourselves in a state of enzyme deficiency, impacting various bodily functions – including how we absorb and digest nutrients.

Optimize is a proprietary blend of systemic and digestive enzymes that function to help catalyze various natural processes of the body. These enzymes, such as protease, bromelain, amylase, and lipase, can also help support nutrient absorption and bioavailability. Added camu-camu fruit supplies vitamin C to help promote health and wellness as well as optimal body function.

I'm off to bed! Hoping for another great day tomorrow (although I'm NOT looking forward to breakfast tomorrow: tempeh, avocado, and steamed kale. Let's hope it tastes better than it sounds!) 

 Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.