Teaching and Beachbody Coaching: The Perfect Marriage

Teaching is an honorable profession. We shape young minds, we wipe away tears, we provide tough lough, and most importantly, we support, encourage, and motivate our students every single day. 

As teachers, we have a deep understanding of the learning process, we are eager to try new strategies, we accept failure as inevitable, and we are always reflecting on our practice in order to sharpen our tools and improve our craft. 

But what’s incredibly sad is that the beauty of teaching has been overtaken by politicians, economists, and test-makers who’ve never stepped foot in a classroom. How much of our time is actually spent teaching and growing young minds versus preparing students for a multiple choice test? Teachers make meager wages while putting in hours of overtime without extra pay, yet are portrayed badly in the media and by politicians who are demanding better outcomes (i.e. higher test scores)…when the root of the educational crisis lies outside the institution itself. 

This is why teachers make the BEST Beachbody Coaches. Teachers already possess the skills and mindset to help others succeed. They understand the scaffolding process and are reflective, life-long learners.  They deserve more. 

So what is Beachbody Coaching?

Beachbody Coaching is about 3 things:

  1. Living a healthy and fulfilling life by bettering yourself both physically and mentally. 
  2. Sharing your journey and inspiring others to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.
  3. Leading others to health, fulfillment, and financial freedom. 

What’s amazing is that I immediately realized that the skills I use as a teacher 100% apply to my Beachbody Coaching gig. Not to mention that with Beachbody Coaching, I’m still “teaching,” my audience is just a little older, wiser, and actually EAGER to learn!


What do I do as a coach?

  1. I run monthly accountability groups. People who want to get fit, lose weight, tone up, gain energy, or improve their overall health choose a Beachbody workout program and commit to replacing one meal a day with the 70+ superfoods in Shakeology. These participants become my “Challengers” and I guide them through each day and hurdle of the journey, teaching them fitness tips, nutrition tips, and offering daily motivation. 
  2. I develop business leaders. I train, teach, and mentor Coaches who want to inspire and lead others. I assist them in developing their coaching businesses, meeting their goals, and attaining financial freedom. 
  3. I work on myself daily: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Plus, there’s no greater accountability than being a role model to others!

The skills I’ve developed in the classroom are instrumental in my success as a Beachbody Coach:

  • I lesson plan as a Beachbody Coach. 
  • I set learning targets for both my Challengers and my Coaches.
  • I develop daily lessons (delivered through private Facebook groups) to teach my Challengers how to reach their health and fitness goals and to teach my Coaches how to meet their business goals. 
  • I communicate with Challengers and Coaches on a daily basis to provide continual encouragement, support, and motivation. 
  • I monitor Challenger and Coach success and provide feedback through data-driven decision making. 
  • I teach my coaches how to duplicate my systems and processes so that they can achieve the same level of business success as me. 
  • I follow a strict schedule to manage my time and resources effectively.
  • I use and teach goal setting to my Challengers and Coaches so they are constantly moving toward their desired outcomes. 
  • I am continually learning and enhancing my skills through intentional and meaningful personal development (opposed to “drive-by professional development” mandated by schools). 


Let’s talk about rewards. So none of us went into teaching for the money, right?! It’s a given that we willingly agreed to be public servants, to bust our tooshies to live paycheck to paycheck. But what about recognition?

Do you have a fellow teacher next door or down the hall who does the bare minimum, yet gets paid the same or more than you while you are going above and beyond, learning new strategies, trying new techniques, exhausting your creative genius? As a teacher, there is very little recognition or reward for being the hardest working person in the school.

And THIS is where Beachbody does it RIGHT! Coaches get handsomely recognized and rewarded for EVERY small success and achievement. 

Not only do I earn an impressive income from each life I touch, I am rewarded with team bonuses from developing leaders who choose to join my team. Beachbody offers additional monthly incentives for helping a certain number of new people each month, as well as FREE trips multiple times per year! 

As a teacher in the classroom, we get FEW gifts and moments of recognition during the year, and these mainly occur during Teacher Appreciation Week. 

The #1 Worry: Time

No one thinks they have time to commit to this, but let me tell you: you DO! It takes one hour a day to start and build this business. Think about how you waste your time throughout the day. Mindlessly scrolling Facebook or Pinterest? Watching reality TV? If you could sacrifice one hour a day to build a life of freedom, would you do it?


Learn More: 

I'm expanding my team this month and looking for women who align with my team's culture, mission, and vision. If you are a teacher or counselor who wants more freedom, income, and fulfillment, this is for you.

I'm hosting a 5 Day Sneak Peek into Coaching Group on FB starting on Sunday, October 18th to share:

  • what my team stands for
  • how I've {almost} matched my teaching salary in LESS than one year of coaching
  • what I do on a daily basis to support my challengers and coaches
  • why you don't need to be a fitness expert, have a large network, or be at your goal weight to succeed

There is no obligation to join and at the end of the 5 days you can decide whether or not this is right for you!

Join the group below ! There are a limited number of spots, so if you have been wondering, click soon! You never know, this could change the course of your life like it has mine.


Disclaimer: Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes: http://tbbcoa.ch/TBB_SOICE