October Sneak Peek into Coaching: Change your Life

Hello friends! 

Today, I want to get real. 

Let me ask you a few tough questions:

  1. Do you work to LIVE (meaning your main reason for showing up is because YOU HAVE TO)?
  2. Do you WAIT for the weekends and DREAD setting your alarm on Sunday nights?
  3. Do you say "Yeah, I like my job, it pays the bills but that's OK....no one likes their job!”? 
  4. Does the thought of reporting to that cubicle, office, or classroom for the next 2-3 DECADES make you sick?
  5. Are you willing to waste the prime years of your life building someone else’s dream while you wait for your retirement?

If you answered YES to ANY one of those questions, please keep reading.

Beachbody Coaching is a career with FREEDOM! One that allows you to:

  • set your own hours
  • be your own boss
  • spend as much time as you wish with your family 
  • help people get healthy and happy
  • choose your co-workers
  • be truly HAPPY every single day

A career in which :

  • the income potential is limitless
  • you are rewarded with FREE vacations…just for doing what is expected of you
  • you receive daily messages that read “THANK YOU for changing my life” 
  • you make genuine FRIENDSHIPS with your co-workers 

Sounds pretty amazing, right?!

And I KNOW what you’re probably thinking, it’s WAY TOO good to be true. But I’m here to tell you IT’S NOT!

My {Short} Story:

I started Beachbody coaching in January 2015 and it completely transformed my life: emotionally, physically, and financially. What started as a hobby, has evolved into something so much more meaningful. 

And I can't help but wonder when the the “American dream” turned into the debt-for-diploma cycle, meant slaving away at a job only to be told “you aren’t working hard enough,” and resulted in living paycheck to paycheck?

Society convinces us that this is the norm. But let me tell you: working 40 years at a job you don't whole heartedly love AND living paycheck to paycheck is a LONG time to suffer. 

I don't come from a family of entrepreneurs; I come from a blue-collar background. I was the first person in my immediate family to go to college and will be the first person to earn a Doctorate out of my entire (very large Italian) family. So I grew up believing that everyone dreaded Sunday nights and praised Friday afternoons. I thought that everyone went into debt to go to school, then got jobs, worked 40+ hours a week with people they didn't really like, and reported to a boss they didn't really know. I was raised to believe that everyone worked hard, lived paycheck to paycheck, and went on vacation once a year (if they were really lucky). But now I realize that there is a BETTER alternative out there!

You CAN change your circumstance. You CAN do meaningful work. You CAN break the cycle. Let me show you how. 


  • are highly motivated
  • have a heart for helping others
  • enjoy being a leader
  • dream of being your own boss and working your own hours
  • are looking for financial freedom
  • want to be part of a community of like-minded people
  • always felt like you were made for more, meant to do something meaningful in this life, but not sure how

...then you are my kinda gal! 

I'm expanding my team this month and looking for women who align with my team's culture, mission, and vision. 

I'm hosting a 5 Day Sneak Peek into Coaching Group on FB starting on Sunday, October 18th to share:

  • what my team stands for
  • how I've {almost} matched my teaching salary in LESS than one year of coaching
  • what I do on a daily basis to support my challengers and coaches
  • why you don't need to be a fitness expert, have a large network, or be at your goal weight to succeed

I'll be addressing the common fears, worries, and misconceptions such as:

  • I'm not a fitness or nutrition expert.
  • I don't have a large social network.
  • I don't have time.
  • I'm still working on myself, how can I motivate others?

There is no obligation to join and at the end of the 5 days you can decide whether or not this is right for you!

JOIN the group below! There are a limited number of spots, so if you have been wondering, click soon! You never know, this could change the course of your life like it has mine.

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches' actual incomes: http://tbbcoa.ch/TBB_SOICE

Hope to see you there!

