Barre Blend: Graceful, Strong & Gorgeous in 60 Days


Where are all my barre, yoga, and ballet lovers?! 🙋🏻‍♀️Cause girls, you are going to LOVE this!

Our new Barre Blend program will seriously change your body! This low impact workout will chisel your waist, define your arms, lean out your legs, and lift and firm your booty (oh heck to the YES)!


What we all care about…the RESULTS!

Can you believe these changes- in just 6 weeks?! Without jumping, lifting heavy weights, running, or leaving their homes!

What is Barre Blend?

It’s a 6 week program with 40 different full-body workouts that include high-rep, small-range movements and isometric holds, as well as compound, full-range exercises, targeted core work, and dynamic stretches. And every 30- to 40-minute workout includes light weight training and cardio intervals to keep your heart rate up so you can burn hella calories and fat. Oh and EVERY workout is different so you won’t get bored!

Not very coordinated? Don’t fret! Barre Blend requires no dance or ballet experience and is perfect for all fitness levels. Start by following the modifier or kick it up a notch with the intensifier. You seriously won’t believe the amazing workout you get from a “low impact” workout - I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the long and lean body!

But it’s not just about your body…

This program also focuses on strengthening your mind! This program comes with “I AM” daily motivation cards to help you cultivate a positive mindset every day. 

Here is what is included:

  • 2 prep workouts to introduce you to the program

  • 40 unique workouts - there are 4 phases with 5 workouts in each. Elise ups the intensity every 2 weeks!

  • 5 Bonus workouts- these 10 minute workouts up the intensity and target specific body parts

  • 3 Recovery Workouts

  • I AM Daily Motivation Cards- Elise pulls one of these cards before each workout and bases the workout on the card. You can use them yourself to stay motivated through the program- and even use them in your morning routine!

Who is Elise Joan?

She is a former professional dancer who studied under THE original inventor of barre, Lotte Berk. Elise has been teaching exercise classes for over a decade. She loves to incorporate mind/body training (hence the I AM cards and daily affirmations!). She is known for her positive, joy filled teaching style and has appeared on Lifetime Television, ABC News, CBS News, and more! Her passion for this workout shines through- you are going to love her!

What equipment is required?

  • Light dumbbells are required- 1 - 5 pounds should be good for most people. These are very high rep exercises so low weight is perfect!

  • Loops and barre socks are optional!

  • You can use a chair or countertop as your barre!

What support will I have?

I will be hosting a virtual fit club to motivate and support all the women who join me!

The virtual fit club takes place in a private app, which allows you to log your workout and superfood shake each day, upload your progress photos, and track your measurements. So everything is done in one place and I can see what you are logging and keep you accountable and on track! 

I post every day (a fitness tip, wellness tip, recipes, motivation, etc.) and a daily "assignment" (ex. set a goal for the week, share a success, etc.). 

So in addition to the fitness component, we dig deep and work on the emotional aspects of the transformation too. We all support each other and cheer one another on, so there's a great community and friendship aspect as well! The group and my 1:1 support is free. You just purchase your workout package and superfood shakes {listed below}!


Get my Intuitive Eating Guide Book and daily tips for eating intuitively when you join me!

Intuitive Eating is about:

  • rejecting the diet mentality

  • eating when hungry (instead of when “it’s time” to eat)

  • eliminating the titles of “good” foods and “bad” foods

  • untying your self-worth to your body size and food choices

  • eating foods that make you full AND satisfied (aka the ones you really want - not disgusting “diet” foods on your plan)

  • learning to love your body as it is in this moment

  • moving your body in order to feel good instead of forcing yourself to “stick” to a program or do it to burn calories

I will show you how to eat what you want, enjoy life without restrictions, but still see results.


How could you resist healthy treats like Shakeology Unicorn Bark?

Shakeology is required but the other supplements are optional, but HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! I have been using ALL of them for the past few years (while pregnant and breastfeeding!) If you want the best results, go ALL IN!

>>>SHAKEOLOGY: Shakeology is unlike any other shake because it's made from over 70 whole superfoods from around the world. It will replace your vitamin and probiotic, fill you up, give you natural energy, and tastes delish! Plus it helps your hair, skin, and nails! And it has nothing artificial! It's literally what gets me out of bed in the morning and keeps me going.

What sets it apart is that there are NO GMOs, soy, artificial colors, sweeteners, flavors, or preservatives! It's seriously delicious and improves your energy, digestion, cravings, hair, nails, and skin. The ingredients are sourced from all over the world and the Shakeology creators regularly visit the farmers to test the soil and ensure the best farming practices are being followed. 

The Other goodies I use daily:

>>>COLLAGEN The fountain of youth has been found! Our potent (flavorless, colorless) collagen supplement is a high-quality collagen peptide powder that’s been shown to help increase skin elasticity, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and support healthy nails, and hair. Collagen works with another protein called elastin: Collagen fills out your skin, while elastin helps your skin “snap back” when stretched. But starting at about 20 years old, your collagen levels begin to decline. Our Collagen Boost is a high-quality collagen peptide powder that can help replenish your body’s collagen levels. I add one scoop to my Shakeology every day cause mama ain't trying to look her age! ;)

>>>ENERGIZE is the pretty yellow {or pink} drink that gives me LIFE! I call it my "mommy juice" or "parent power punch" because it is AH-MAZING! It gives me a great little energy boost without the jitters! It comes in Lemon (which tastes like a fruity lemonade) and Fruit Punch {which is literally the highlight of my day! It’s SOOO good!} I drink it before my workouts and mid-afternoon if I need a little energy boost {cause mommin’ ain’t easy!}. Learn the science behind it here!

>>>HYDRATE is an an all-natural form of Gatorade! It's perfect for replacing electrolytes during a tough workout...and it doesn't have any artificial crap in it! If you're a breastfeeding mom, this is a game-changer for your supply!

>>>RECOVER is the post workout drink that prevents your muscles from getting sore. It replenishes what you lost and helps to rebuild and repair your muscles so you aren't too sore to press play the next day! Plus the chocolate tastes like a Wendy's Frosty and the orange tastes like a Creamsicle and is freaking delicious!

>>>>BEACHBAR is it bad that I sometimes eat two of these a day?! Lol! I'm obsessed! I always have one at night as my "dessert" because it's something I can eat to satisfy my sweet tooth without feeling guilty! And sometimes I'll have one as an afternoon snack...because hey, it has protein! ;) They come in Peanut Butter Chocolate, Chocolate Cherry Almond, and Vegan Chocolate Almond.

What are the package options?

We have different options depending on whether you are a NEW customer or a CURRENT customer! Read on!

For New Customers (without Beachbody On Demand or Shakeology):

For Existing BOD Members:

What do I recommend?

I always recommend the Deluxe packages- especially with a program like this where you will be SORE. Having Recover will help you function the next day (you know…walk down the steps, sit on the toilet, care for your children! Lol!)- and allow you to give your next workout 100%! And Energize- well I can’t live without it! 

My favorite add ons:

If you don’t get the mega pack, these are my favorite products that will be on sale!

I am so excited to do this program with you! Complete this application if you are ready to meet me at the barre!

Ashly LocklinComment