Don't Fear Failure

✨Don't fear failure. Fear being in the exact same place you are today a year from now.✨

Last year I was stuck in a job, relying on other people to watch my daughter, living paycheck to paycheck, packing a million bags each day (diaper bag, computer bag, lunch bag, pumping bag 😭). Can you relate?!

This year I’m my own boss, I spend every moment with my daughter as I provide for our family, I have the freedom of time and finances, and I don’t have to pack and schlep a million bags every day (let’s be honest, that might be the biggest perk! 😉😂)

If I had let fear hold me back from pursuing this freedom, I’d still be exactly where I was last year. Holding onto every second of this weekend, dreading Tuesday with every fiber of my being, and crying every morning as I rushed to get us ready and out the door.

But instead, I leaned into the fear, hustled hard, and now my life is in an entirely new and better place.

I desperately want to help other gals do what I’ve done. And if I can be honest here, I feel like I’m not doing a good enough job of sharing this with women like me, so forgive me for that!

So this week I’m sharing all the details of what I do, who I’m looking for, and how I’m training my next cohort of lifestyle coaches. 👭👭👭

If you want to learn more about how you can provide for your family by:

💗inspiring other people to live healthier, happier lives through YOUR journey

💗locking arms with other women and helping them improve their lives by being a support and accountability partner

💗trying new recipes and sharing them on social media

💗empowering women to reach their full potential

💗becoming the BEST version of YOU

Then please join my info group here >>>

If you want to be in a better place next year, I invite you to join me for a few days to see if we’d be a good fit for each other!

And if we click and you’re one of THE girls I’m looking for, I’ll show you how to change your whole darn life! Please don’t let fear dictate your future, ladies.

Hope to see you in the group!