The Cat's Out Of The Bag!

I've been holding in this secret for what seems like foreeevvver!

No, I'm not pregnant! 😂 I know that's where your mind went!

In March, the Beachbody executives reached out and asked if they could film my story! I was completely honored and humbled and scared.

But today (after so many months of keeping it hush hush), hundreds of thousands of coaches who attended our regional conferences all across the US, Canada, and a few spots in the UK got to see my story.

My phone has been blowing up with LOVE and reminding me of how AMAZING this community is! ❤️ The support is like no other!

I hope I inspired others by sharing how I turned my trials into triumphs and used my mess as my message. ❤️ That's what this gig is all about. ✨ I've found my purpose & my calling and I just want to help other ladies transform their lives too.

Do you gals wanna see the video? I can post it here once the amazing corporate team gives me the green light!