Shake Whatcha Mama Gave Ya 👋🏼

Today's thoughts on the lies I used to tell myself:

✖️I don't have enough space
💭BS - I just did my workout in the tiniest space in my gram's house 🙌🏼

✖️I don't have time to work out
💭BS - All I need is 30 minutes (which is only 2% of my day #perspective)

✖️I don't have equipment
💭BS - I just need my body 💪🏼

Change your mindset, change your life. ✨

If you're ready to ditch the lies you tell yourself, I'm getting ready to open enrollment for my next virtual fit club! If you're interested in my "Netflix of workouts" app you can take anywhere + my flexible nutrition plans, complete this app and I'll be in touch with more deets!