First Monday Morning In My Newly Decorated Home Office

First Monday morning in my newly decorated home office and I’m digging it! Thanks for the inspo and ideas you all sent me! What do you think?

I was super reflective yesterday while hanging these pictures (okay, let’s be honest - I sat on the floor while my hubby did the work). I remembered that it took me months to get over the “shoulds” in my mind and actually go for this coaching gig.

I kept thinking:

  • I “should” stay in my career field and use the multiple degrees I’ve spent 20+ years earning.
  • I “should” keep to myself and stay off social media so that people don’t judge or criticize me.

But you know what? One day I just said F these “shoulds” and followed my heart. I trusted my gut and pursued something completely out of the ordinary.

I pushed through the doubt, the fear, the criticism and now I get to spend every day at home with my daughter. I’m completely in control of my schedule and time. I decide when I work, where I work, and with whom I work. And I will have gone on 5 vacations by the end of this year (3 of which are overseas)! NONE of that would have happened if I didn’t woman up and go for it!

So now I’m looking to pay it forward and mentor other women who are like me. Ones who want more out of life. Ones who are ready to abandon those “shoulds” and actually control their time and future. ✨Ones who would love to spend Monday mornings in their OWN home offices!

This coaching gig isn't for everyone, but for ladies like me, it's life-changing! ✨

If you:

  • are willing to work like most wont work so you can eventually live like most cant live
  • want to get into your best shape at home
  • are a resourceful, creative, natural born leader
  • have a passion for helping others
  • have a long-term vision for your life and realize that what you’re doing now won't get you there

…I want to work with YOU!

I have an informational group with all the details of what I do and who I’m looking to mentor this month. If you want to check out the details, just join this group and watch my videos:

{{P.S. You do not need any special certifications or degrees. You simply need a big heart, crazy work ethic, and strong wifi.}}

Hope to “see” you there!