Shaun T Week: Booty Lifter

This little lady needs to learn about endurance! She wore herself out then demanded to be held! 😂

Which got me thinking about one of my life mantras: “it’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

Everybody’s always looking for a quick fix.

And I get it! I’m impatient and want FAST results too…BUT I’ve learned {from failing multiple times}, that the key to succeeding is:

👉🏼having a BIGGER long-term vision

👉🏼knowing that small daily actions repeated consistently over time are far more effective than slamming on the gas, then slamming on the break, then slamming on the gas, then slamming on the break. 🚙

It’s about incremental change and progress. Daily action.

I don’t go super crazy for a short time then quit. I show up and take action EVERY single day, even if it seems insignificant at the time!

There were days I cried during my workouts wondering if I would ever be able to keep up with the videos. But now those workouts are easy for me. 💪🏼

And not only did I lose those 60 lbs, but I lost an additional 15! 🙌🏼

All because I viewed the journey as a marathon, not a sprint. I was in it for the long-haul because it wasn’t just about looking good in a bathing suit, it was about being the happiest, healthiest, most energetic and positive mother I could be. ❤️ THAT is what kept me going day after day.

I have a few spots left in my next virtual fit club and I’m looking for ladies who are ready to adopt this mindset and truly change their lives!

You’ll get the workouts, meal plans, superfoods, and community of support that helped me SUCCEED because my goal is to help YOU reach your long-term goals!

If you want to snag a spot, complete this form and I’ll be in touch with more info >>>