Ultimate Reset: Day 11

Day 11: More than halfway done

Hey there lovelies!!!

I'm keeping it short and sweet tonight because I'm tired!

It was a great day! We're feeling fabulous and down 6 lbs EACH!!! 

I took London to the park at lunchtime because it was a beautiful day! Then we went for a family walk in the evening. I will admit that I'm enjoying the "no exercise" part of this Reset! Besides walking and a little yoga, we haven't done anything. Oddly, I told my hubby that my right calf was sore from walking and he said his right calf is sore too! Not sure if it's a coincidence or some weird side effect! 

Here's how the day went:

First thing: 24 oz water with Mineralize and Optimize supplements
30 minutes later: Breakfast - Fresh fruit plate (3 cups of fruit!) and Oatmeal with ground flax
{{I added oatmeal even though it's not on the plan because London refused to eat breakfast and only wanted the boob. I realized that a large fruit plate wasn't going to be enough nourishment for the both of us, so I added the oatmeal with flax.}}


2 hours later: Mineralize and Optimize supplements
30 minutes later: Lunch - Quinoa lentil pilaf & Cucumber tomato salad


2 hours later: Power Greens powder with water
30 minutes later: Snack - Vegan Chocolate Shakeology + banana + peanut butter


2 hours later: Mineralize, Optimize, Soothe supplements
30 minutes later: Dinner -Vegetable miso soup, quinoa, steamed swiss chard
{{Another bland dinner! Lol!}}


Thanks for tuning in! Stay tuned for tomorrow's diary!

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