Clean Week: Day 2

If you had to choose between eating tacos every day or being skinny for the rest of your life- would you choose hard or soft tacos?! 😂😂😂

I’m all about the soft shells! 🌮🌮🌮

So here’s a fun little workout that will burn off those tacos or whatever Tuesday night treats you’re enjoying!😉

Do each move for 45 seconds then repeat the circuit from the start!

These are the types of moves that transformed my body, helping me to lose 70+ lbs and get into my best shape!

I used to spend HOURS walking on the treadmill and boring myself to death on the elliptical…which is probably why I never enjoyed exercise and never saw results!🙈

But once I found this “Netflix of workouts” option, my world changed!

I’m a competitive person, so I love competing with the people in my workout videos (although I literally HATED those fit people when I started my journey…you know, when I couldn’t do one jumping jack without peeing myself and literally felt pain everywhere. Yep, I hated those fit bi$ches.)! 😡😵

But now I use them to motivate me and look forward to our competitive dates in my basement every day! 💪🏼

Whatever works! Right, ladies?!