Clean Week: Day 1

It’s amazing what can happen in 30 minutes…

Like I how I put this baby to sleep AND went from feeling like a busted can of biscuits to a tight cinnabun - you know, all hot and steamy out of the oven! 😂💃🏻😂

Let me be honest, I had WAY too many treats this weekend for the hubby’s birthday…because hey, I’m human. And I like to eat.

Anyone else overindulge this weekend and wake up feeling blah today?! Drop your fav emoji below to give me some support and let me know I wasn’t the only one who fully embraced the #TreatYoSelf mindset! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼

Needless to say, I had every intention of crushing my workout and burning off that blah feeling today.

I started strong… then I had to sing “5 little monkeys jumping on the bed” 🐵🙈🙉🙊🐒 for HALF the workout while she jumped on the trampoline, and then she demanded to be held and fell asleep on me.

So all in all, I consider that a double win. If I didn’t burn off those treats by singing while exercising, I definitely burned them while holding her! 🔥💪🏼

I have a new virtual fit club kicking off next Monday and I’m looking for 10 motivated ladies to join me! 👯👯👯

Ones who are DONE using their babies as their excuses and READY to use their little loves as their REASONS. Ladies who want to sing while they workout! 😉 (okay, singing is optional!)

This group will be focused on making progress WHILE enjoying all the fall treats and fun because life is all about balance!

If you’re interested in joining me and fitting into those jeans and boots this fall (without having to lay down to button them), please share your goals with me here and I’ll be in touch with next steps >>> 👯

(And if you wanna try these moves, do each for 30 seconds then repeat from the start!)